Sunday, July 14, 2013

DIY Ticket Stub Shadow Box

I don't know about you but I'm a sucker for nostalgia. I tend to save every ticket stub to events we've attended. I feel like it's a nice way to remember the places we've been and things we've done together. My problem was that they were all kept in an old shoe box and forgotten about until we moved and were forced to look through boxes. I found this idea online but little information on how to actually create one of these. This is my version of this project.

You will need:

Shadow Box (whatever size to accommodate the amount of stubs you have)
Rub-on letters
Large decorative tickets (found in craft stores near scrapbook isles)
Adhesive background of your choosing
Something to rub Rub-on letters with

1. Measure adhesive background to match the shadow box backing. Cut to size and stick background to shadow box backing.

2. Take large decorative ticket and rub Rub-on letters one at a time to read "Admit One". Make sure to take your time with the rubbing on step. These letters can be a little tricky if you don't rub each part of the letter hard enough for it to stick to the surface of the ticket. If you mess up, no worries! You'll have plenty of letters and tickets left over to try again.

3. Tape or glue back of decorative ticket to adhesive background. Add your ticket stubs and attach shadow box backing. Ta-da! Now you're the creator and owner of a brand new ticket stub shadow box! No more stubs sitting in old shoe boxes!

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